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Channel Letter Signs

For many years this type of sign has set companies apart and brought them business. Restaurants, taverns, stores, even tanning salons are frequent purchasers of illuminated channel letters. Today neon signs and LED channel letters are synonymous.

For many years this type of sign has set companies apart and brought them business. Restaurants, taverns, stores, even tanning salons are frequent purchasers of illuminated channel letters. Today neon signs and LED channel letters are synonymous.

Custom channel letters are a 3-dimensional graphic sign element. Our channels are fabricated from aluminum, since it will not rust. A flat sheet of aluminum is typically cut on a table by a computer-controlled router. This creates the back of the channel and is the basis for the letter shape.

The sides of the channel letter, called "returns" are then formed by bending a 3-6-inch-wide strip of aluminum sheet around the aluminum back. This return can be welded at the seam or flanged and riveted to the back to create a solid "can" in the shape of the letter. The letter can is painted and fitted with light-emitting diode (LED) modules.

A translucent plastic face usually of 3/16" thick sheet acrylic is cut to fit the open face of the letter can. A trim cap border is applied to its edges which gives the letter face a finished appearance. When illuminated at night, custom channel letters draw the eye of passers-by.

Lighted channel letters, LED letters

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